
HESSEN TRADE & INVEST – THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY FOR HESSEN HESSEN TRADE & INVEST GMBH (HTAI) is the economic development company for the State of Hessen. It is the central point of contact for investors from all over the world, who have either settled in Hessen or want to invest here. As a point of contact, we, in cooperation with our regional and local partners, assist and support them on their way to Hessen.

黑森州贸易与投资有限公司(Hessen Trade & Invest GmbH,简称HTAI)是从属于德国黑森州政府的经济发展促进机构。她是已经在黑森州落户的或有意向在此的投资的,来自全球各地的投资人的联络中心。作为联络点,我们将携同黑森州地区的合作伙伴为投资人提供支持和帮助,陪伴他们迈向黑森州的每一步。

INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS NETWORK CCI Offenbach supports companies in the field of internationalization and export. It is part of a strong, global network of bilateral German Chambers in 90 countries as well as the Enterprise Europe Network..

国际商业网络 CCI Offenbach在业务国际化及商品出口领域为企业提供支持。她是遍布全球90多个国家的,强大的德国境外工商会网络及欧洲企业网络的一部分。

INEAR Under the management of Andreas Schmitt, who has more than 25 years of experience in the production of individual hearing products, we offer an all-round service under one roof. Our skilled specia- lists produce an entire range of individual communication systems with precision work and sophisticated technology.

INEAR Andreas Schmitt在个性化产品生产领域 拥有超过25年的经验,我们在其管理领导下提 供全方位的服务。专家型人才通过完美定制服 务及精密的技术为客户提供完善的个性化交流 系统及多样的产品系列。

DIIO Design Innovation Institute Offenbach
is a design consultancy at HfG Offenbach School of Design and carries out design research and development from corporate brand to industrial design as well as virtual design and interaction strategies. Customers are amongst others: Audi, BMW, Bosch, Lufthansa, Siemens and Porsche. DIIO has network partners on all continents. Methodologies varies from field observation and design iteration to hyper-real systems. DIIO is also being represented by WSTWNG and ESTWNG, which are project platforms for design and communication. Research projects on main design topics are presented in half-yearly magazines and event journals.

DIIO奥芬巴赫设计创意研究院(Design Innovation Institute Offenbach,简称 DIIO)是 一家从属于奥芬巴赫造型艺术设计学院的设 计及研究咨询公司,致力于设计研究,企业品 牌发展,工业设计,虚拟设计以及交互设计战 略开发。DIIO的合作网络遍布全球。其客户包括: Audi, BMW, Bosch, Lufthansa, Siemens, Porsche 等。从传统的用户分到增强现实系 统应用的可视化,DIIO为客户提供全面多样的 合作方式。 WSTWNG 和 ESTWNG 作为展示 媒介,为DIIO的设计与交流提供了平台。杂志及 期刊每半年一次出版,刊登DIIO重要设计主题及研究项目的成果。

MICHAEL EIBES DESIGN. We are a creative studio based in Wiesbaden close to Frankfurt in Germany. If you are looking for authentic strategies custom-made for your cli- ents, your biography and your market orientation we will integrate text and images into successful communication concepts. With an integral approach on your communica- tive concerns, we form content into language and images.

MICHAEL EIBES DESIGN. 我们是总部设在德国威斯巴登的 一个创意工作室,临近法兰克福。如果您正在为您的客户,您的公 司的履历或者您的市场定位寻找一个量身定制的战略,我们可将 您的文案及图像整合成成功的沟通方案。我们将针对您在沟通上 的关注点,用完整的方案将您的内容塑造为语言及图像。

ICONSTORM enables the entry of Hong Kong-based enterprises into European markets. From Frankfurt / Germany we deliver state-of-the-art digital and hybrid product design, that perfectly fits the European customer‘s expectations. Our services include marketing and support in all organizational and legal aspects. We speak English and Chinese.

ICONSTORM为香港企业进驻欧洲市场提供了 可能性。在德国的法兰克福,我们提供完美匹配 欧洲客户需求的现代化数字及多媒体产品开发 的服务。并对此提供全面的市场服务及支持,涵 盖所有组织和法律方面。我们说英语及中文。

Prof. Frank Georg Zebner (Chief Editor), WSTWNG.


All pictures, illustrations, texts and files displayed on this website, including the web design, are subject to copyright and the provisions on the protection of intellectual property. They may not be copied nor altered and without prior written consent they may be used for private purposes only. All copyrights are with the authors, photographers and designers.

Anton Viehl, Marc Schömann.

Hochschule für Gestaltung
Offenbach am Main
University of Art and Design
School of Design
Prof. Frank Georg Zebner
Chair Professor of Technical Products and Product Systems
Director of DIIO Design Innovation Institute Offenbach/Frankfurt
Schlossstrasse 31
D–63065 Offenbach/Frankfurt

Prof. Frank Georg Zebner assumes no liability for the contents of external links. The providers of linked sites are solely responsible for their content. The information displayed on our website is provided without warranty of any kind. Linking our webpage to third party sites requires prior written permission.